Question: Applaud effort but mailer left me head scratching. Web site letter helped. Success comes from clear, concise communications. Thanks and you can count on our signatures.
Response: Sorry to hear your head itches! We have a mountain of information that we can and will share with everyone as we move forward. We tried to keep the flyer short and sweet and as concise as possible. The photos and the graph were the main points we wanted to get across. We are being taxed at about $1,000,000 per year for the last two years and the three PenMet properties are receiving very little attention in terms of expenditures and in terms of staff time. We will be offering more details in this regard with regular updates on our website. We will also be sending out emails with more information to all of those who’ve signed up. Those updates and emails will concentrate on a single issue at a time and will also provide whatever information we have been able to obtain from PenMet through Public Record Requests. A few have posted on Facebook that the Public Record Requests are a waste of time and money, but PenMet has instructed us, on more than occasion, that if we want any information we need to file Public Record Requests. We are just following their instructions. You’ll also see from the few responses we’ve received that there is some concerning information. It’s possible that our first update will concentrate on what Public Record Requests we’ve filed and the responses or lack of responses we’ve received. You’ll easily see from that information that PenMet has not been the most communicative organization.